Saturday, January 8, 2011

Spotlight Saturday Blog Hop

It's Spotlight Saturday Hosted By

Between the Lines

Welcome to our fun blog hop with a twist!  Every week swing by to link up your blog and one you want to spotlight!  Did you find a new blog you liked this week?  Is there one you visit on a daily basis?  Well, simply link up your Spotlighted blog right under yours.  We will Spotlight our favorite blogs of the week in spots 4, 5, and 6.  

This week is Spotlight your favorite blog!  I'm Spotlighting Kerri from Kerri's Klutter!  Next week we will be spotlighting our favorite Foodie Blog!

How it Works

1) Link up your own blog.
2)Link up a blog you want to spotlight for the week.(ex. Spotlight: Roslyn's Closet)
3) Follow your three hosts.
4) Grab our button and post it on your sidebar or in a Spotlight Saturday Post.
5) Follow as many blogs from the list as you like and leave a comment so they know you stopped by.
6) Return the favor by following blogs that followed you.
(Be aware that URL's cannot be duplicated so please have a second spotlight choice in mind. If your blog's URL has already been spotlighted, just add one you'd like to spotlight. And don't forget to leave a comment with the blog you spotlighted so they can come and join the blog hopping fun! )


Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

hm...I really think this blog meme is such a great idea...but being a little slow regarding some things (computer and blog-related...facebook too...ah! gotta admit...any "technology-related" thing...I tend to have to read adn reread the "instructions"! I joined before, but will have to re-read your "How it Works" again! :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you dear Kel for stopping by and I can't wait to hear what your father-in-law thinks of his art. Let me know if he notices or how long it takes for him to notice his name throughout it. :o)

Sugar Bear said...

Thank you Kel!! I can't link up while at work(won't let me for some reason) so I will have to wait until later.
Happy Saturday!

Roz said...

Thanks for hosting; now following you. I read your Jan. 7th post and found it to be so inspirational. If you can, I'd love it if you could share that post on my blog hop going on now on how we are improving our lives (in any way). Thanks and keep up the great work! Hope you decide to follow back too!

Roz at La Bella Vita

Unknown said...

I love this idea!! :) I linked up and I'm now following.
