Friday, December 23, 2011

Finding the Perfect Christmas Tree

Every year, the question always comes up about whether or not to put up a real or artificial tree in our house. As I was growing up, we always had a real tree. There is just something about having the scent of the tree in the house during Christmas. After I married, we decided to try an artificial tree. We found a very pretty one and have used it several years. But each year, its debated in our house whether to venture out to find the perfect one. We have had our issues with the real ones in the past. After talking my husband, several years ago, into going to a tree farm and cutting down our own. We had issues getting it in the stand and low and behold as soon as it was decorated it decided to come tumbling down. So, we had to start all over to decorate it. Needless to say, the following year, it was back to the artificial. This year I decided I wanted a real tree again. I wanted the scent of the tree in the house, just the way my dad loved the smell. My dad passed away this year and it's our first Christmas without him, so I thought this would allow a part of him to be with us this Christmas. I once again talked my hubby into going to cut down our own tree. One very cold Saturday morning, we headed out for breakfast, then ventured out to the tree farm. Our girls were very excited and had the best time walking up and down the rows of trees to find the perfect one.

And yes, we found the perfect one for our house. The house smells like Christmas!

I think this will be a yearly event. I hope my girls cherish these moments and always have something to look back on, the way I do. What are your traditions? Do you put up a real or fake tree? Or do you skip it all together?

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