Monday, November 8, 2010

Holiday Open House: Giving Back

I love the Holiday season.  I love it so much that each year it seems that we start getting into the festivities just a little bit earlier.  My girls and I love decorating, baking, and doing Holiday themed crafts. We also think it is important to use the Holiday Spirit as inspiration to teach about giving back.  My girls have watched me collect cans, donate hair to Locks of Love, work at the soup kitchen, and participate in a Habitat for Humanity build.  Every year I try to explain to them how important these little acts of kindness are.  I honestly never thought they were fully comprehending the things I taught them, until last November.  My daughter and her friend decided that they were going to donate their hair to a little girl for Christmas.   They both patiently grew out their hair and then happily gave it to Locks of Love.  We were all so proud of them for trying to give what little they had in order to give another little girl some happiness for Christmas.

    Have your children ever surprised you or inspired you with random acts of kindness? Grab a latte, put up your feet, and join the discussion!

    1 comment:

    JM said...

    Hi. I just wanted to drop a line to congratulate you for raising such a wonderful person

    You most be very proud!!!