Monday, April 12, 2010

Finding Friendship

We are surrounded by people from the very moment we are born. In the very beginning, the world revolves solely around our parents. We need food, they provide it. We need love, they unconditionally give it. We need shelter, they cover us. But from the time we enter the toddler stage of life, we begin searching for that person or persons we can call friend. There are many types of friendships in the world and most of us have experienced them all. Many friendships develop due to proximity. When you see the same people at school or work every day, you are bound to pick up some friendships. However, many of these friendships fizzle out when you no longer see each other every day. Some friendships develop over common interests. Perhaps you go to the same church or play on the same sports team. These friends may be great and very important in your life, but perhaps only for a season.

Although I could spend pages writing about the different types of friendship that I have observed, that is not the point of this post. This post, dedicated to my close-knit group of friends, is about finding true friendship. Friendship that is strong. Friendship that is forever. I have had very few forever friends before this point in my life. Maybe only enough to count on one hand, if you don’t count my family members. That is not to say that I don’t treasure each and every friendship I’ve had, have, or will find in the future. But the groups of ladies that I have by my side now are truly awesome. And I hesitate to use awesome because it just doesn’t seem to be a strong enough word. My friends are always there to talk to, laugh with, or cry on. They are only a walk, phone call, or text message away. They never judge and completely accept me for who I am. I pray that each and every one of you who reads this post is blessed with at least one friend who fits the above description. Without my close family and friends I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Thanks ladies. You are the best!


Sugar Bear said...

This is really sweet. I have one or two friends that I could describe like this. It's harder now, at least for me, to find new ones that STICK. I'm glad you found yours.
Have a great day.

mauralynne said...

Very well written! Our children are all lucky to have found life-long friends too :) It's wonderful to have found friends/moms who parent pretty similar to how I parent, but yet we are all so different (which always make conversations interesting!!!).

Lanita @ A Mother's Hood said...

I have found that the older I get the harder it is to make those forever types of friendships. I guess that is why we should celebrate the ones we have.

Amy said...

what a powerful post.. It is hard to find great friends but when you do.. You hang on to them..

Happy Monday..

Liz Mays said...

You're so lucky to have a few friends like that! Many people just have that one special friend!

Peggy said...

I still have a couple of really good friends from grade school years. We don't talk very often but always remember birthdays/Christmas cards. When we do see each other, it is like we have never been apart. Having a "history" gives real strength to a friendship.:)

Amy said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway.. Good Luck...

Krajcimama said...

I envy you a bit - I haven't found my group of friends, yet. I'm still in that stage where all of the friends I had growing up are starting to go in different directions and I haven't found new ones to replace them...mainly because I'm too sad to go about replacing them.

Actually, I recently accepted the fact that the one friend I had in college that I would consider my BEST friend, who was never ever going to let anything come between us, isn't going to be part of my life anymore. We're both married and busy and well, his wife just doesn't let him have friends...

Anyway - I'm done sulking about it and ready to find the group of friends I will have as I start this new chapter in my life!

Hope you have a wonderful morning!

Tiffany said...

There are days that I long for the relationships that I once had. I use to see ad talk to my friends almost everyday and now there are times when I don't have communication with them for 6 months. I don't know what to think about it but I guess we are all making new relationships. It's always though a treat when we do get back to together and pick up exactly where we left off. Gosh I really miss my friends, I think I'll hop on facebook and send them a message, lol.

Peace, Love and Chocolate