Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kids Giving Back

One of the hardest concepts to understand as a child is that the world doesn't revolve around you.  My friends and I decided that the best way to teach our children this very important fact of life is through community service acts.  Our eight children get together monthly and work on a project that will help others in our community.  Each month, one of the kids comes up with an idea and the other seven help make the idea become a reality.  

For our first month, we collected can goods and delivered cooked meals to the local food bank.  The following month, we created and decorated cookie mixes in a jar.  We sold them to help raise money for a local boy fighting cancer.  This month we will be making bracelets at a local store and donating them the children at our county's hospital.   Next month, when the weather is a little less wet, we will be on our plastic gloves and cleaning up our community. 

Although, these services may not seem like much, they are a huge deal to those we reach and I am so proud of our kids and how they are learning to think of others besides themselves.
  Do you have any ideas for children's community service projects?  Grab a latte,  put up your feet, and join the discussion!

1 comment:

Abbie's Mama said...

We cook at Ronald McDonald house. We bring our five year old w us to help cook. We just found a local organization called Birthday Wishes http://www.birthdaywishes.org/Default.aspx that helps homeless children have birthday parties. We are asking family and friends to donate new unopened birthday supplies or juice boxes at DDs birthday party. Then we will bring her with us when we drop off the party box.